Archive It Pro - Server Requirements


Installation and Use

Server Requirements

Release Notes

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General Server Requirements:

  • Perl 5.004 (or later)
  • UNIX / LINUX (or some variant such as IRIX)
  • Zip application running on server

You can follow the steps outlined below to determine if your server meets these requirements.


Copy the test Perl script below:


Create the directory Archive_It_Pro somewhere on your site. IF POSSIBLE, this directory should lie outside the path of your www directory. Record the full path name of this directory (typically something like /u/web/your_login/Archive_It).

Create the directory Archives within the Archive_It_Pro directory. Set the permissions on this directory to 777, which is read, write, execute for owner, group, and all.

If you plan on archiving MySQL database tables, create the directory DB_Tables within the Archives directory. Set the permissions on this directory to 777, which is read, write, execute for owner, group, and all.


Change the $MasterArchiveDirectory line of the test script so it is assigned the full path to your newly created Archive_It_Pro directory.

Change the $ZipPath line of the test script so it is assigned the full path to the Zip application on your server.


Install this script in your CGI directory with the name archive_it_pro_test.cgi and enable it for execution. Make sure that the first line (path to Perl) is correct for your specific web site.


Call the script from your browser with a call similar to the following: test.cgi


You will see something similar to the following if your site is fully capable:

Testing for Zip Application
-rwxrwxr-x   1 root     bin         42692 Jun 15  1998 /usr/contrib/bin/zip
Zip Application Found and Running.
Testing for Archive Writing capability into Archive_It_Pro/Archives Directory
Archive Write Passed.
Testing for Archive Writing capability into Archive_It_Pro/Archives/DB_Tables Directory
Archive Write Passed.
Testing for "mysqldump" command
mysqldump command found and working.
Testing Complete.
Congratulations!  Site Passes All Tests for Archive It! Pro

If the script returns any other message, then you must

a. check the path of the Zip application (and make sure it is executable from a Perl script)

b. check that you have properly setup your Archive_It_Pro directory.

c. have the "mysqldump" command accessible if you wish to archive your MySQL DB tables (contact your system administrator).