MySQL Monitor v 3.0.0
The easiest way to create, maintain, import , export and query
MySQL database tables using your browser
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MySQL Monitor Features:

  • Automatically creates and displays a list of all your MySQL database tables.

  • Select a table from the list and cllick "Show Structure". The table's structure is displayed.

  • Click the "Show Table Size(s)" button to calculate and display the size of each MySQL table in your database and the total size of all tables in the MySQL database. Or select any single table in the list to just display its size.

  • Select a table from the list and click "Dump Table". The table structure AND entire contents will be dumped to your browser or to a file. (this file can also be optionally gzipped).

  • Select a file from the Load File popup menu and click the "Load Table" button. The table will be created and loaded with the entire contects of the file. This command is basically the compliment of the Dump Table to file command. This is the easiest way to restore a MySQL table from a backup (will automatically gunzip a gzipped file).

  • Select a table from the list , enter a file name, select an export format (comma, tab, or colon delimited) and click the Export Data button. The table will be dumped as a text file to the designated file, with the desired field delimiter. This file can be optionally gzipped. This function is most often used to export MySQL tables to other databases, e.g. MySQL to Excel.

  • Select a table from the list , select a file from the Import file popup menu, select an import format (comma, tab, or colon delimited) and click the Import Data button. The table will be loaded from the text file to the designated MySQL table. This function is used to import other database tables to MySQL, e.g. Excel files to MySQL.

  • Select a common MySQL command, edit the command, and run the command. Supports:
    • ALTER
    • CREATE
    • DELETE
    • DROP
    • INSERT
    • SELECT
    • UPDATE
    • and any other valid command which you manually enter

  • Password protection so that only you can run the MySQL Monitor script.

  • Optional IP address security so only a range of permitted IP addresses can run the script.


 MySQL Monitor
copyright 2004 Quicomm

Existing Tables:

Dump Data from Table (selected above) to File:
(leave blank if dumping to browser)

Load from File:

drop table
Export to File:

Import Data to Table (selected above) from File:

delete entries
Common MySQL Commands:
