PowerStart - Your Key to Attracting and Keeping Web Visitors...Day after Day


Installation & Use

Server Requirements


Release Notes



PowerStart attracts visitors and keeps
them coming back to your site.


Internet users love convenience. So imagine a simple web based application which remembers and automatically opens every web page a user wants opened for any specific weekday (web pages open in cascading windows, as shown below). PowerStart is that application, running on your web server.

Browser Independence:
PowerStart works with any browser (which supports Javascript, and almost all browsers support Javascript).

Machine Independence:
PowerStart works under Windows, Macintosh, Linux, any operating system which supports a web browser. So if a user is at a different machine than the one they normally use, they can still easily login to their PowerStart account and open all or any one of the web pages they have saved in their PowerStart account.

In addition to being able to open all pages for a specific day, PowerStart can also be used as a simple browser independent bookmark manager. In this manner, users effectively can take their bookmarks with them, wherever they travel.

PowerStart is like a smart bookmark manager which remembers which pages a user wants opened on which day of the week. Each day can easily be customized as to what pages should be automatically opened.

This keeps users coming back to your site...every morning of every day they are on the Internet. Or even when they are visiting friends, family and colleagues and want to access that "special bookmark".

PowerStart is a natural traffic builder. People tell friends, colleagues, and family members about it. Once installed on your server, it requires almost zero maintenance and it is rock solid.


Sample PowerStart Account: Each of the above pages would automatically be opened on Thursday. Different sets of pages can be configured to be opened for each day. Powerstart is independent of browsers, locations, and the type of machine on which it is running.

Can users have different pages opened for different weekdays?

Yes. They setup the pages they want opened for each weekday. Each weekday can be entirely customized.

Do they have to use a specific browser or machine?

No. They can login to their PowerStart account from any browser which supports Javascript,, using any machine, from anywhere in the world.

How do they configure their PowerStart account so that it opens the pages they want opened for each day?

First a user must sign up for a PowerStart account on your website (they provide their email address for the login and choose a password). They then must activate their PowerStart account by clicking on a special link which is emailed to them (this ensures a good email address).

Once their account is activated, a user just logs into his PowerStart account. He is taken to a screen (as above) where he can add, delete, and copy pages for each day of the week (as shown above). This setup process normally only has to be done once (but a user can continually modify their page sets as needed).

Subsequently, when a user logs into his account, PowerStart looks up the weekday. It then proceeds to automatically open each page the user wanted open for that day.

To even further simplify the process, a user can drag the URL to their desktop after logging in. This will create a desktop icon which will automatically log a user into their PowerStart account by simply double clicking the icon.

See our PowerStart Help page for more information regarding each function.

How can I incorporate into my Web site?

There are many different possibilities. It is important to note that the first page which is loaded when a user logs into PowerStart is ALWAYS YOUR web site's page which has the PowerStart control in it. Hence you can readily customize this page. As an example, see the 1Banana meta search engine:

With this idea in mind, and the fact that PowerStart draws users back day after day, it is readily apparent how PowerStart can help your site attract more users and keep them coming back.

Want to try PowerStart for yourself? Just click here to setup your own account.