
Press Release
Tracker lets you easily find the web sites,
publications, news outlets, etc. which have picked
up your Press Release for additional distribution
or reference.
Press Release
Tracker can also assist you in determining which
distribution outlets might be the best for your
specific market(s).
In addition, by
tracking press releases issued by your competitors
or other similar businesses or organizations, you
may be able to determine other valuable contacts
who are most interested in your products or
Press Release
Tracker runs under all versions of Windows as well
as Mac OS X and Classic Mac OS. It also supports
the following browsers:
- Internet
Explorer (both Windows and
- Opera (both
Windows and Macintosh)
- Mozilla
- Safari
- Netscape
- iCab
Release Tracker let's you easily track the
distribution of your press releases with one click
of a button.
Press Release Tracker
lets you set the level of detail for your tracking search.
In this manner, a Press Release is broken up into individual
phrases, each of which are searched. Depending on the level
of detail and type of Internet connection a typical Press
Release can be entirely tracked between 10 and 60
Press Release tracker
submits the Press Release title and random phrases for
searching over the Internet. The number of found unique
links for each phrase are summarized in the phrase list.
Double clicking any of the phrases will display a window
which lists each page that linked or referenced this phrase
in your Press Release:
You can readily load in
your browser any page listed by simply double clicking the
link (title or URL) in this list.
Price: $39.95
Windows System
- Windows
- A popluar Internet
browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera). Neither
Netscape nor AOL are supported at this time.
Mac OS X System
- Mac OS X 10.1 or
- A popular internet
browser (Safari, Netscape Navigator/Communicator,
Internet Explorer, iCab or Opera). No AOL browser support
at this time.